
Maldives1.com consolidates Maldives holiday packages from various travel agencies in the Maldives and around the world. Our mission is to allow you to find the tour package that best suits your needs from the comfort of your home.

Is Maldives1.com a Travel Agent?

No, we are not a travel agent. We are a travel portal dedicated for holidays to the Maldives. Maldives1.com aggregates Maldives holiday packages from various travel agencies in the world. If you could not find the right package/deal, you can always reach us and we will create custom packages that suites your budget and need. With our network of travel agents, we think we can get you the dream holiday you are looking for.

Does Maldives1.com Charge a Service Fee/Additional Fees?

We do not charge any fees to travelers. We charge travel agents fees to display their travel packages on our website. Travel agents treat these fees as advertising fees.

What are the benefits of using Maldives1.com website?

  • You can compare the available travel packages offered by various travel agencies in the Maldives and in your location.
  • The travel agents will be the ones contacting you instead of you having to call them one by one.
  • You will be able to get discounted rates you will never find on other online booking websites by directly contacting the agents via chat or email.
  • For corporate clients, you can simply email us and we’ll source at least three travel agents to bid for your company’s travel requirements. This saves you time and at the same time meets most of the company’s sourcing policy.